MadCat Blog Re-vamp
So, I thought it was about time I practiced what I preach and get back onto the blog band wagon!
After doing extensive research for clients, it has become obvious to me that a blog on your website is an advantage for numerous reasons (see: fresh new content for search engines and a more human touch to a digital platform), however applying this knowledge is a lot easier said than done. I tend to write a lot of blog posts in my head when I stumble across information I want to pass on or record, but rarely do these thoughts make it to paper.
I always thought I would return to sharing and creating blog posts after I moved towns at the start of 2017 and things settled down, however it turns out, working full-time as a teacher, part-time as a wedding photographer and running a design and marketing business takes up a lot more time than I thought and therefore my website has fallen a bit to the wayside.
Almost 2 years later, I have finally updated my website (which was much needed and still being completed) with some of my more recent work and I decided during the revamp that I needed to reinvigorate my blog – if only to help record the many techniques I am learning about the digital world and social media!
So, hello again everyone ☺ It’s nice to see you are still here.
Let me fill you in on the last two years of my life.
After a stint working as a designer for a large brand (that I loved) down in Melbourne (which I hated) at the end of 2016, I secured a job as an art and design teacher. In the January of 2017 I moved from a very flat, small town on the Murray River called Swan Hill (ironic, right?) to a larger twin city on the Murray River named Albury/Wodonga in the beautiful, mountainous Riverina area.
I have always liked this area thanks to having family here and have visited it often through my life. Since living here, my attitude hasn’t changed – I love it (and highly recommend the Albury/Wodonga area if you want an awesome holiday or tranquil break). It is far more relaxed and easier to access natural resources than Melbourne while still being large enough to offer many forms of entertainment. The small thriving towns around the Albury/Wodonga are also very interesting to visit.
I am always working on new design projects but have found that it is my photography services that have really taken off. Perhaps not exactly where I saw my business heading when I started it nearly 5 years ago, but a path I really do love! I very much enjoy being able to help people capture their family memories and being able to offer these services at a competitive price. I have also very recently delved into the area of newborn photography (see here for more info).
I have been lucky enough to continue being a wedding photographer as well, and have started taking wedding photos in Albury/Wodonga. Since photographing my first wedding back in 2015 I have learnt a lot about the general schedule of the day, unforced posing and editing. Being a wedding photographer has definitely helped me push my photography to a new level and I am booking more weddings each year, which I am very proud of.
In the last 6 months or so, I have really started to analyse how social media can be implemented and help businesses grow. I have always had a strong Facebook following (love you, Facebook) but have recently started Instagram for business – and man, is it hard! Although I have done a lot of reading about algorithms, tips to help grow your engagement and what makes good content, I find the platform very hit and miss. I think the most important tip when it comes to social media is being consistent with it. Posting consistently and interacting consistently seems to be the two most important ways to get your voice heard on the ever-busy social space.
I have also had the fortunate adventure of teaching art workshops lately. I was offered to teach one at a local store. I found it a very relaxing and enjoyable experience so I have now developed some 'watercolour and wine' workshops that have been held at wineries. For more information, click here.
My most recent venture is something that has also reminded me that I should get back into blogging. I am currently working on creating a groovy little clothing collection (leggings and tops) and I wanted to keep a raw record of how I went about it, how do you really set up a clothing business? I am looking at trialling Shopify as all of my research has pointed to it (other than Wordpress) as being the superior shop platform. Most accounts suggest that it is super easy to use but I am interested to find out if that is really the case. If you want to follow my journey (and possible tantrums) check back soon as I (fingers crossed) should be posting about the process next week.
Lastly, little Cho Mo (my MadCat) is still running around and loving life (especially now that the weather is warming up!). She has really enjoyed our move and is still bossing me around. Here’s some photos as evidence:

If you’re still here, congratulations! That brings you up to speed with my life over the past two years! Phew! You can expect some more business, advice-focused posts from now on ☺
If you have any questions for me feel free to swing me a message, or jump over to my socials to have a stalk of what I am doing, I'm on Facebook & Instagram.
Stay Creative,